An app that promts a user in the command line to input various employee information that will generate in an html file. The file can be viewed in the browser as well.
When the user runs node and the index.js file in the command line, inquirer will prompt the user for information pertenant to a specific employee: Manager, Engineer, or Intern. Once the user has indicated that they have finished inputing the team memebers information in the terminal by typing n when prompted, an html file following a template will be generated and unlike the template it will have the dynamically created employee cards displayed inside.
Live URL:
Repo URL: cd c
This project used the following:
it is required to install inquirer in the command line by running ‘npm i inquirer’.
it is required to install jest in the command line by running ‘npm i jest’
Gretchen Jensen :
Special shout out to my tutor Henry
Also like to thank my class instructor, Trey, for making himself available to ensure the class got through the homework assignment.